NEWS • 22 June 2018

2018: The Half-time Review

The first six months of 2018 have flown past and the World Cup is now in full swing. While TV pundits chew the fat over the questionable VAR system, we’ve decided to conduct our own half-time review. From the largest global TV and Broadband company, to a luxury tower complex in Gibraltar – here are the headlines from the TWK studio… 

The launch of Liberty Global

It takes an incredible amount of work and effort to relaunch the brand and website of such an enormous global company.

A true sense of pride and achievement is felt across the TWK team, who have spent almost two years designing, building and honing the website. A client the size of Liberty Global presents a range of challenges, particularly from a UX perspective, to ensure all user journeys are optimized for the best possible experience.

As a result, Liberty Global now have an online presence that truly represents the ground-breaking work they do.

Let’s get to the point

What makes a successful leader? Why do we listen to some people but not others?


These are the questions the team at AGL look to answer with their unique brand of communication and leadership coaching. Having recently undergone a striking rebrand, TWK were tasked with presenting AGL as not just experts in their field, but thought leaders too. The resulting website is as rich in typographic design detail as it is in no-nonsense information, with the absence of imagery testing our team’s creative solutions.

At their core, AGL train individuals to communicate succinctly and clearly – their new website also aims to achieve just that.

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Putting Gibraltar on the map

It’s not every day we get to work on a project for a new luxury tower complex, so of course the creative team’s eyes lit up when this landed on our desk! Armed with some fantastic video and VR content – we set about creating an interactive online experience to launch Gibraltar’s EuroCity towers.

Explore the towers and surrounding gardens in virtual reality, before delving into your tower of choice to view the apartments and check availability.

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Endless horizons, endless opportunites

The TWK studio is extremely proud and fortunate to be a respected name within the education sector. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]We work with a wide range of schools and colleges, who come to us in the knowledge that we will identify their unique qualities and bring them to the fore for all to see.[/inlinetweet] That said, Eastbourne College could have never imagined such a fresh and striking departure from a traditional school website!

Inspired by traditional illustrative seaside postcards, our creative team devised and produced a wide range of illustrations to form the core visual identity for the College and it’s marketing materials moving forwards. We developed animated versions for the website, along with custom versions for print-based advertising and railway posters.

Back out for the second half

The studio is moving full-steam-ahead into the second half of 2018, with a raft of exciting projects at varying stages of the process. Several existing clients will have vibrant new websites to announce in the coming months, whilst plenty of new projects will ensure our portfolio grows ever more rich and diverse.

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